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The New Wave Of Selling On Mobile And Social

mobile-ecommerce-shopping The holiday season is here, and shoppers and merchants alike are gearing up for the busiest shopping season of the year. How will technology impact retail this season, and what’s new in 2015 about the ancient “art of the sale”? eMarketer predicts a happy holiday season for retailers this year, with US retail sales in the months of November and December increasing 5.7 percent… Read More
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Kobe Bryant Announces NBA Retirement Over Twitter And Facebook

???????????????????????????????????? *Cue the old man music* In my day, the best sports athletes of our time sat in front of a camera with their family by their side when they announced that they were retiring. In 1993, Michael Jordan retired for the first time. Journalists surrounded him while they asked questions: What if Jordan had played during “our” age? The digital age. Right now, Jordan’s brand Jumpman… Read More
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‘Moments’ Are Selling The Promise Of VR Right Now

Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 11.10.38 AM When explaining some of the nuances of virtual reality to friends and family, they want to hear about the “games” or the “apps.” Yes, full experiences, or “titles” are an exciting part about any platform’s growth. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many full titles that are going to get people excited yet. Yes, there are some great games adapted… Read More
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Help TurboRoo & His 3D-Printed Pawsthetics Project

unnamed (5) Some of us, four-legged friends included, hit some bad luck once in a while. Some have it harder than others. A good friend of mine, TurboRoo, has an interesting story to share and a new campaign to help others in his situation. Turbo was brought into a vet in 2014 to give up for adoption. He was 4 weeks old and was born without his front legs. Luckily, he was adopted by the awesome Ashley… Read More
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